Grados I y II
El fisioterapeuta en bipedestación unilateral orientado
hacia el paciente. El paciente en decúbito supino. La pelvis del paciente está
fijado por el peso de su cuerpo y con une banana. Las dos manos del
fisioterapeuta están superpuestas en el tercio proximal del muslo y la rodilla
está contra el hombro del fisioterapeuta. Objetivo: Aliviar el dolor y sentir
el juego articular.
in ipsilateral standing patient oriented. Patient in supine. The pelvis ofthe
patient is determined by the weight of his body and with a banana. The two
hands of the physiotherapist are superimposed on the proximal third of the
thigh and the knee is against the shoulder of the physiotherapist. Aim:
alleviate pain and test the joint play.
lateral grado III
put a belt around the pelvis of the physiotherapist with one hand under the
skin of the patient and the other at the level of the patient's knee to avoid
angular movements. Aim: Earn degrees of motion in internal rotation and
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